2022 APP MIPS Provider Education Tools
MIPS: Merit-Based Incentive Payment System
Our MIPS 2022 Initiative
As a company ever focused on quality care and patient safety, we are excited to roll out our MIPS 2022 program for Emergency Medicine. We anticipate sharing our Hospital Medicine MIPS 2022 program around mid-February as we await IngeniousMed, our partner for patient encounter documentation, to finalize its new workflows.
What is MIPS?
Launched January 1, 2017, MIPS stands for Merit-Based Incentive Payment System. The intent was to combine three separate CMS Quality Programs into one single program: Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS), Value-based Payment Modifier (VM), and Medicare EHR Incentive Program (EHR) for Eligible Physician, also known as Meaningful Use. For emergency medicine, our performance is measured on all eligible providers on an annual basis in three performance categories:
Improvement Activities
Benefits of Our APP MIPS Program
Our goal is to structure APP's MIPS 2022 Program to deliver the highest quality of care to our patients. All APP providers must participate in the program and will receive a Composite Provider Score (CPS) based on the collective performance of your TIN (Tax ID number). APP has structured a high-quality, comprehensive program that completely satisfies the highest tier of requirements set forth by Medicare. By following a standardized approach to achieve specific quality outcomes for common ED complaints, we can fulfill our goal to deliver consistent, high-quality, best-practice clinical care across each of our contracts. Our goal for 2022 is to fall into the "Exceptional Performance" category, or highest tier as reported by CMS, as we have in past years.
Under the Quality category, we will focus on the same key initiatives as last year, to include:
Upper Respiratory Infection
Acute Otitis Externa
Acute Bronchitis
Acute Ischemic Stroke
Pregnant with Abdominal Pain and/or Bleeding
Acute Viral Sinusitis
Acute Bacterial Sinusitis
Minor Blunt Trauma
The two Improvement Activities we have chosen to adopt are:
Opiate Prescription Management
Champions for Sepsis
All of the materials you need to fulfill our MIPS 2022 EM requirements can be viewed below and can also be found on the Provider Portal.