Down Codes & ARC Select

Down Codes: Team, we need to really work on our charting to ensure we are being compensated appropriately for the level of work we do. We had 33 charts down coded in September based simply because we did not document the EKG. We had a couple of other down codes for missing HPI, ROS, and PFSH. However, the biggest area is not documenting the EKG. We MUST document this in the “Medical Decision Making” section. If you don’t see an EKG section, you can add it by right-clicking on Medical Decision Making and then Insert Sentence, where you can select EKG.

ARC Select: go-live this Thursday, Nov 11, 2021. ACR Select is a national standard imaging decision support system based on the American College of Radiology (ACR) Appropriateness Criteria® (AC). ACR Select is integrated with your Cerner computerized provider order entry (CPOE) workflow and guides ordering providers to the most appropriate medical imaging exam. This ensures that the right patient gets the right scan for the right indication. You can view the documentation HERE and HERE.


Dr. Glock Post-Op Patients


FED Staff Meeting