Updates & Reminders

Frederick Poage Frederick Poage

Suture Removal

Suture Removal: due to changes in reimbursement rules, APP is now billing for suture removal visits (previously, the patient did not receive a professional fee, but did receive a facility fee). I am working with IT to have a “Suture Removal Followup” option under organizations that will have all the NW Urgent Care’s so we can advise the patient to followup with them for suture removal. The patient can always return to the FED for suture removal, but they will receive both a facility fee and a professional fee. If you see a patient for suture removal and it’s a little more involved than simple “snip-snip-bye”, then use the diagnoses “encounter for wound care”.

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Frederick Poage Frederick Poage

Pregnant Patients

We must provide an MSE for all pregnant patients - even if they need to be seen at L&D. We must do a physical exam and document in the chart an MSE was performed, and the patient is stable to be seen at L&D.

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Frederick Poage Frederick Poage

Pediatric Admissions

all patients of pediatricians

  • Dr. Shari Medford

  • Dr. Rebecca Scott

  • Dr. Maaytah

will be admitted to the TT Pediatrics Team.

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Frederick Poage Frederick Poage

FED Protocol Orders

Please encourage our nurses to utilize the approved Nurse-Driven Protocols. This will help increase the efficiency of our care.

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