FED Registration Flow
Watch the video below regarding the new FED Registration Flow we will be implementing on January 3, 2022. We have trialed this and it works very well and tremendously helps the flow and communication between registration clerks with nurses and physicians. Below is the process:
There will now be clipboards on the wall, under the light switch, in every room. These clipboards hold the form that registration needs to get the patient registered. When a patient is brought to the room, the tech/nurse/physician will hand the clipboard to the patient, instructing them to fill it out while they are waiting. This will cut out extra trips by the registration clerk just to hand the patient the form.
When the physician has seen the patient, they will click the drop-down under “BA (Bed Assignment)” column on the tracking board and select “MD Evaluating”.
This signals the registration clerk that they can now go see the patient to discuss billing and payment collection.
When the registration clerk has completed everything they need with the patient, they will click the drop-down under “BA (Bed Assignment)” column on the tracking board and select “None” - which makes that entry blank again.
This signals the nurse that registration is done with the patient.
When a patient is discharged and the house is on the board, nursing must wait until “MD Eval” has been removed by the registration clerk before the nurse can send the patient out.
It will take some getting used to for this process, but we have trialed it with different physicians, nurses, and registration clerks, and it has been universally praised for cutting down on extra trips by registration, cutting out the nurses having to ask registration if they are done, and improving our collections as well.