Breaking Records!

Wow, that was a record breaking week! Thank you all for your amazing teamwork, you did an amazing job although I know it didn’t feel amazing for those who worked this week ! Please read the following updates carefully and let me or Melissa know if you have any questions.

  1. Call the Transfer Center (TC) aka Bed Board at 1233 for all transfers. If the TC does not have a bed, THEY will call the ER to get an ED bed so you no longer have to call the CN yourself. The TC should call you back and tell you what bed or lobby or hall etc! We will still have to call for an ambulance and call with report. I believe this will be very helpful to us as the TC calls are recorded, they keep a log of all calls and will eliminate some of the untoward interactions that we have had in the past. Also, the TC will escalate issues appropriately to upper management so that all are aware of the FEDs holding.

  2. Since Wednesday afternoon, the yellow plus triage on minor’s will not go away even when all the “forms checklist” items appear to be complete. It is also requiring a Humpty Dumpty fall assessment that was never asked for prior to Wed. I have placed a ticket with corporate for them to look into and correct this.

  3. I’m a firm believer in staying current / up to date on charting. While the initial triage is the main priority, the rest of the yellow + and the assessment should be completed asap. We have had several shift changes lately where these were not complete on a lot of the board. Please make every effort to have these done, especially before shift change or include why they aren’t completed in your shift report to explain. We all understand those times when it feels like a Greyhound bus dropped off Amarillo in the lobby at shift change…we just need to communicate that.

  4. We met with the CP coordinator and found out some details on what is being audited. Be looking for that, but I wanted to go ahead and make you aware that if a patient doesn’t say “chest pain” but has other s/s in their chief complaint like weakness, SOB, dizzy, hurts to breath, palpitations etc and the doctor orders a cardiac workup…. This is counted in the CP audits. Therefore, the door to EKG time will be measured. I recognize that this is a physician responsibility, however, you might let them know that they are supposed to write the TIME on the EKG to indicate when they viewed it as well as a signature.

  5. When a patient is registered by mistake or if they LWOT….as long as they remain on the board the red plus continues to count against our wait times. Please assist registration in removing these asap.

  6. Reminder to please bring your stuffing donations to Georgia Street !!! (and brownie mixes to TSQ) Boxes have been placed at both sites.

  7. Please know that we are diligently trying to cover all the call-ins, we are having 1-2 per day but it is very difficult to get these covered. We do have several employees who will be starting in the next few weeks. Also, a third traveler will be here 1/1/22 and I got approval for a 4th. I recognize the tremendous physical and emotional strain it places on those working to have to work understaffed and am trying to resolve this issue as much as I can. I am believing for better days ahead and ask for your patience and assistance with this !

Thank you for all you do !!!


Ambulances & EMTALA


FED Holds & Attendance