Update 9/8/2022
Update 9/8/2022
1. Joint Commission is due to come back for a visit at any time. Please remember to toss all cardboard out and watch PHI on WOWs.
2. TeleDoc Surge Plan: Hours will be 8am to 10pm only. We will not be using the TeleDoc option after 10pm. GST will soon have an ipad of their own to utilize the TeleDoc system. Please consider using the TeleDoc at 20:00 if you feel that there are more patients then the midlevel can see before they leave.
Step by step instructions on how to use this system can be found at www.nwthsfed.com.
Account Email login: nwfedstaff@gmail.com
Password: nwfedstaff
There is a blue tab labeled TeleDoc Surge Plan.
3. Please check your work email every shift so that you are the most up-to-date with current processes, certifications expiring, and events. As our census increases, you may need to come in a few minutes early.
4. The glucometer must be checked each morning. This has been missed at TSQ numerous times.
5. Please place a ticket for anything not working properly including the patient dashboard screens, WOWs, and other equipment so that we can have everything functioning properly. This will also ensure we have evidence of equipment that needs repair multiple times and may need to be replaced.
6. Our census the last few weeks has increased and we must be placing the protocol orders in Cerner to start the process for the patient. Please review the FED Protocol Orders on the website WWW.nwthsfed.com, on policy tech through the NWTHS intranet, or see the FED Protocol Orders that have been place on each WOW under the plastic sheet.
7. Patient observation: Patient observation officially started this last Monday, September 6, 2022 at TSQ! Please review the email sent out about observation patients.
8. The House Supervisor needs to be notified by the staff by 3pm or 3am if we are short a RN or tech for the oncoming shift. If GST does not have a 3rd nurse or TSQ does not have a 11a-11p nurse we can use a tech in place of the nurse. Please call the House Supervisor cell phone at 806-673-6016 or please call extension 1600.
9. AMA patients: The physician needs to be notified that the patient would like to leave and risks and benefits need to be discussed. Please be sure you are charting that the physician or the nurse has gone over or attempted to go over the risks and benefits of leaving AMA. Patients have every right to leave at any time.
10. Remember that a translator must be used for any patient that does not speak English. This must be documented in the chart. Family cannot be used as a translator as it is not consistent with our policy.
11. Patient discharge: When placing your discharge note or vital signs please include a pain reassessment.
12.Welcome Back!!!
Audra Woodard FT nights RN from main starting 10/9
Lisa Rodriguez PT days RN starting 10/9
We are happy to announce that we are opening a 3rd FED!!!! There will be more information to come. It will be located at Western and Amarillo Blvd.
Please let Andrea or myself know if any of you have any questions.
Thank you so much!