Updates 2/26/22
Greetings team! What a great time we had at Cinergy, thank you all for coming. If you missed it and Dr Newson’s grand entrance…well, I just have no words. Dr Poage reserved the outdoor patio at CRUSH for our next event on April 28…more to come.
1) FLEXING – when I arrived we were very short staffed and it was a widespread custom for staff to not sign up for their minimum which created a tremendous burden and I had to discontinue this. However, our census / staffing ratios are such that we can now change this. You should sign up for your required hours but if staffing allows, closer to the shift date or if census allows you to leave early you can request to flex off without pay in lieu of having to use PTO. You will need to be sure and enter a PTO request on those times you want it or I will assume you don’t want it.
a. Lately we have been asking if anyone is interested in taking off here and there to let you know it is an option. Several have been very happy that this was an option. Please note if we are asking if you’re interested, we welcome an honest reply.
b. The CNs will be evaluating staffing on a day to day basis in relation to census and peak times and may see the need to flex travelers, OT staff, or see if any FED staff are interested in flexing (in that order). I know having 3 nurses is important and a satisfier for you all as well as management; we are more likely to get to keep this model if we manage it well.
c. Please talk to Melissa or me with questions and concerns – I’ll come out day or night to address your concerns.
2) Go Live date for the new lab tubes is 3/1/22. There is a video on the New Shoes / pes communication site about these
3) There will be several new physician, tech, and nursing faces around in the next few weeks; make every effort to welcome new staff and help them with the transition to the FED. Starting a new job is an anxious situation
4) The ambulance will be coming soon! Maybe 3/1. We are working on getting the EMT scope of practice in the FEDs approved and defined. Until then, show them the flow and our processes but we will have to hold off on them functioning in a clinical manner in the ED until this process is complete.
5) Coming soon – instead of sending a patient to BH for the MSE we will do it here via ipad…sort of the reverse of our doctor doing their MSE. See the attached. More to come on this, we will have education. I just wanted to bring it up and see if you have thoughts on this. Please read the attachment.
6) Several have asked lately about weekend requirements and if Sundays count. The NW policy states weekends are considered Friday and Saturday for nights and Saturday and Sunday for days. Several years ago Sunday night was included for nights and the floors would have 20 RNs on Sunday night and 3 on Saturday which necessitated the change. The individual units can decide if Sunday nights count based on their need and Patti has always been aware that I count Sunday nights as that has been our biggest need.
7) Please continue to pursue EKGs in less than 8 minutes since arrival and encourage the doctors to place a time on them. These are two fall-outs we struggle with but we have seen improvements!
8) Kudos to Jodi, Bobbie, Denise and Dr King who had a STEMI and got them to the cath lab table in amazing time ! The CP coordinator brought them cookies last Friday
9) The new process for checking FED carts / supplies / stocking rooms that Gail sent an email about starts 3/1… reread that and be familiar with it.
10) INTERPRETER: They have recently discovered the GLOBO module that they formerly thought approved someone to be an interpreter is only certifying staff as proficient in another language; therefore, at this time we do not have any official NW “interpreters”. If you can talk 1:1 in a second language with a patient that is allowed; however, if another staff member asks you to interpret you must decline and inform them they must use GLOBO. KNOW THIS INFORMATION FOR PRACTICE AND FOR WHEN JC ARRIVES !
11) They are looking for a new floor person, unless he changes his mind I’m told Wilford will not be returning. He did an amazing job for us and will be missed. I have a new appreciation for his skill after my own terrible attempt at driving the floor cleaner! I will keep in touch with Jessie about his progress in a replacement but please notice and rectify floor issues as you find them, thanks!
12) Remember to direct patients to the QR Google and FB review cards when they have feedback about their visit. Also, we put Daisy cards in each room that have a QR code. Patients often ask about leaving good remarks on their nurse and this code will make it easy.
13) KUDOS Gail ! She received the Daisy award of the month. We are so proud of her and it comes as no surprise as she takes great pride in her work. I’m sure you noticed the banner in the hall!
KUDOS to Candace who finished her FNP program! She has given notice and we will be transitioning some other staff into doing the ordering.
Thank you all for the flowers, texts, and kind words over the last week about my recent loss. Your nice gestures have sustained me! So happy to work with such a great team!
Thanks for all you do!